Thursday, November 24, 2016

Unit 4 Reflection

     The Coin Sex Lab showed the different probabilities of different crosses.  We also tested if the crosses were predictable.  Entering this lab, we needed to know and understand terms such as genes, alleles, meiosis, recombination, homozygous, heterozygous, and the different types of crosses such as monohybrid crosses and dihybrid crosses.  Many of the traits in people are determined by either autosomal or x-linked inheritance.  In the Coin Sex Lab, we used pennies to demonstrate crosses.  The pennies had a piece of tape on each side.  To stimulate sex, we flipped two or four coins to see what kind of traits our child would have.  For each cross, there is an expected ratio for the outcome of the cross.  We found out that the hypothetical ratio of a dihybrid cross was 9:3:3:1.  Once we tested monohybrid crosses, we got a ratio of 9:3:4:0.  The ratio was very close, but when applying this cross ratio to a real life situation, one should not count on the ratio of being completely accurate.  The ratio is fairly close of around 90% accurate, but it is not always 100% accurate.  This means that the cross ratio is not always completely correct.  Testing on a given day, the cross is very close, but it is not always the same as the hypothetical ratio.  One should not count on the hypothetical ratio when applying to real life situations because the cross ratio is not always 100% correct.  Using this lab as an example, determining the probability of offspring is not always in line in what one predicted.  Probability literally means the extent where something is probable.  Probable is never 100% unless one is very certain.  Probable can very from 30-60%.  Using probability of determining traits are not reliable because one is not certain unless it happens.  Understanding the concept of this lab is significant to our life later on because if one were to have a baby, the parents could see what kind of traits the baby would have.  If the parents knew their genotype, they could draw up a Punnett Square and see if one's offspring would have a bad disease.

     Unit 4 was mainly about understanding the concept of sex.  The topic may be complicated, but this unit discussed various topics of sex such as sexual and asexual reproduction, Mendel's Laws, and different types of inheritance.  There were many weaknesses for me in this unit.  Again, the concepts were confusing to me and I did not take the responsibility of understanding the concepts fully entering class so I could prepare questions I may have for my teacher.  The concepts that I did not understand kept pilling on and I felt very behind.  Next unit, I should take the extra time to prepare for difficult concepts entering class.  I did have some strengths, however.  I kept all the assignments in line and I made sure that I had all the homework done because the vodcasts are the big part of the final grade.  From this unit, I learned a lot about myself and how I could study better.  The infographic was not just another assignment.  The infographic made me slow down a little and ask myself "Which concepts are important and are needed to highlight?"  The infographic should not contain too much text because it would look overwhelming.  The infographic made me think about which concepts I should highlight.  In my opinion, I am a better student than yesterday because I learned more about myself and how I work as a student.  I learned about my strengths and setbacks and also what studying habits work and what do not.  There are many things I still wonder about for this unit.  I still wonder about how scientists could stop the genetic complications.  I still wonder about how cells make mistakes and how to prevent it.

     Learning about how you study is one of the most important things one needs to do.  I took a VARK Questionare and got the following results: 10 visual, 12 aural, 2 read/write, and 8 kinesthetic.  My preferred learning style is looking at charts or diagrams and listening to an instructor or a video.  I expected the results I got when taking this survey because I know a good amount about myself and I am aware of my weaknesses and strengths.  Since I know my preferred learning style, I can better prepare for the test.  Instead of using my weaknesses to study, I could utilize my strengths to help remember everything I learned about and can study both better and more efficiently.  I could draw things out and listen to vodcasts because these study habits are in my strengths, which I could fully utilize for both a better study session and a better test result.

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