Thursday, June 1, 2017

20 Time Final Post

     For my 20 Time project, I designed an experiment which tested whether taking a nap would help you study.  For my experiment, I different lengths of a nap to test one thing.  I then composed another experiment with the same nap duration, but it tested a different topic.  I did tested two topics with different nap lengths and also included a no nap control.  I ran the two experiments with a decent amount of test subjects and gathered my data.
     The first thing I tested was the number of words remembered after taking a nap with the various nap lengths.  I have attached my data table below.  For my data table, there are three sections: a section with no nap, a section with a 15-20 minute nap, and a 30-60 minute nap.  Under that include the number of words remembered by the test subjects out of a possible 15 words remembered.  For the subjects that did not take a nap, they remembered an average of two words, which can be seen with the blue lines in the chart.  This low number of words that the subjects remembered can be attributed to the amount of stress of their daily lives and sleep deprivation.  According to Nationwide Children's Hospital, teenagers get an average of seven to seven and a half hours of sleep a day, but teens should receive at least nine hours of sleep.  This huge gap of sleep may impede students to perform at their full potential.  Also, school gives a lot of stress to students to get good grades.  These factors could be a reason why the subjects remember such a low number of words.

NO NAP15-20 min30-60 min
     Next to the no nap data is the data for the people that got a 15-20 minute nap.  The average number of words remembered was six words, which can be seen with the red line.  The nap slightly helped but the brain waves in the brain during a power nap is not the ideal type of wave to improve memory.  That is why the 30-60 minute nap is so helpful if you want to memorize things.  The average words remembered for a 30-60 minute nap is 11 words, which can be seen with the orange line.  The longer nap helps with memory because the waves in the longer nap help memory.
Words Remembered Chart

     The next thing I experimented was how fast the test subjects could type.  This seem like a trivial trait, but it really tells me about how attentive the subjects are and also tests accuracy as well as motor skills.  I have attached the data table below.  Again, as you can see, not taking a nap hurt the performance.  The no nap subjects had an average of 55 words, which can be seen with the blue line, the 15-20 minute subjects had an average of 91, which can be seen with the red line, and the 30-60 minute nap had an average of 68, which can be seen with the orange line.  The 15-20 minute students had the most benefit because of what kind of waves were produce in their short nap.  A 15-20 minute nap boosts alertness and studying accuracy.

NO NAP15-20 min30-60 min
     If I were to grade my self based on what I set my goals as at the start of this project, I would give myself an almost perfect score, if not a perfect score.  The grade I give myself is very high because throughout the time for this project, I have worked productively, worked outside of class, and have also provided accurate data from the people I ask all in the short amount of time I received.  As my final product, I have composed two data tables and charts illustrating my findings and attached them onto this chart.  Along the way, I have written about what I have done so far as a checkpoint.  My first checkpoint I wrote was in February and can be read on my blog here.  I have write three total checkpoints all on the same blog, which I have already added earlier.
Words per Minute Chart
     Not only have I been working productively to produce enough data to form a conclusion, I have also learned a lot on the way.  During the duration of this project, I kept thinking about "Process over Product."  I thought about this during this project because this project is so open ended and there is no right or wrong answer.  I feel like I have produced a sufficient product, but I also learned a lot of intangible things along the way.  I feel like a better student today because of what I experienced during this project.  I have overcome many obstacles by myself and I have grown as a student.

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