Monday, January 9, 2017

New Year Goals

     New year, new me.  Each year, I try to become better at what I do.  I can achieve this by setting a few goals to get my year on track and onto a productive year.  My two SMART goals of 2017 are to get 95% or higher in each unit test for this class and to get 95% or higher on all my course grades.  This may seem almost impossible at first, but with a few simple steps, I could set myself on track to achieve these goals.

     My first goal is to get 95% or higher on all unit tests in this class.  This goal can be accomplished with a few easy steps.  My first step is to first get the big picture.  I need to understand what the unit will be about before diving into the great detail.  Before every unit, I will look at the unit and see what the unit is about and what the different vodcasts are about.  Doing this, I can better understand what I am learning about.  Then, I will learn the material vodcast by vodcast.  After each vodcast, I will do the usual CFU's and Relate and Reviews.  In addition to my normal routine, I will study each vodcast before that and the vodcast I just learned.  Actively reviewing will help me keep the information fresh in my head so I will be ready for the unit tests.  Next, after I learn all my vodcasts, it is time for me to review everything.  By now, I will have all the vodcast information onto notecards.  I will already have learned the information and the information should not be new to me.  The last week before the test should be all review.  One week before the test, I should be only reviewing, not learning the concept.  I will be reviewing and identifying any concepts that I am having trouble with and seek for help by looking myself, asking friends, and lastly asking my teacher.  These steps should point me to where I want to be.  After each test is graded and I do not get a score I like, I need to reflect on this and change something for the new unit.  After the unit, I should also review the previous units I have learned as well as the unit I have just learned to keep the information in my head for the final.

     My second goal is to get 95% or higher on all my classes.  In the previous semester, I struggled to get the grades I wanted.  With my experience from my first semester of high school, I can utilize the information I learned about getting good grades to the next semester.  Each course is different in terms of how easy I find it or what the material is about, but I need to find a way for each class to maintain a high grade.  I can maintain a high grade in each course with a few simple steps.  The first step is to pay attention to everything the teacher says of hands out.  Paying attention to the teacher because they tell you what they want and if I do not listen, I will not know what they want.  The second step is to work thoroughly.  For each assignment and project, I need to not just slap work together, but to put extra time and effort to show the teacher that I deserve my grade.  Executing these steps consistently through the course of the semester should bring me the grades I think I should earn.

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