Monday, March 20, 2017

Nap and Studying Testing Progress Report

     For my 20 Time project, I am conducting an experiment to determine how long an ideal nap would be to boost studying efficiency.  The first step of an experiment is to gather data about the topic.  After gathering as much helpful data as I could, I found out a few key things that will help me for my experiment.  I found out about a persons sleep cycle.  Around every three hours, our body repeat a sleep cycle.  If you take a nap and wake up in the deep sleep portion, you will not feel very good.  Another thing I found out was that around a twenty minute nap is ideal because it does not enter deep sleep and the nap does not seem too short.  Over the course of the 20 Time so far, I have learned that I am very curious in my subject.  While I am searching about a particular topic, my mind wanders to compose another question I have about a similar topic.
     So far, I have had a few setbacks.  As of right now, I am about to start my experimental phase.  After gathering enough information and forming a hypothesis, I am ready to conduct an experiment.  However, I need to have a group of people to help me conduct my experiment.  I cannot test myself because I know what is being tested.  I plan to ask my friends that I socialize with outside of class and also ask other biology students in Mr. Orre's class to see if they are interested in joining my experiment.
     My next steps in my 20 Time project is to conduct my experiment.  After successfully running a first round of experiments, I hope to analyze the data and possibly conduct another follow-up experiment to test something related to this topic.  After all the necessary testing is done, I can analyze all my data and come up with a conclusion.  Once I find out what the most efficient nap time is, I can use that information for myself when I am studying for the finals or just studying in general.  I can take efficient nap breaks that can help me get better test grades and also become a more efficient worker.

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