Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Unit 7 Reflection

     Unit 7 was all about our ecosystem.  Some big idea of ecology that I learned are homeostasis, interdependence, habitat, niche, biotic factors, and abiotic factors.  Homeostasis is a big thing in an ecosystem because like our bodies, an ecosystem work best at equilibrium.  For example, there cannot be too much of too little sun.  Just right is in the middle where the flowers receive enough energy to produce oxygen and glucose but not too much so where they are out of their tolerance range and die off.  Interdependence is a also a huge factor in an ecosystem.  All the different trophic levels rely on each other to provide food for each other.  The primary consumer all the way up to the quarternary consumer relies on the little primary producer to provide enough energy for them to stay living.  Habitats are important because this is where the species live and perform their daily tasks.  This is where they live and their habitat needs to fit their needs and tolerance range.  Niches are also important because not only does the area need to fit their needs, but the factors also.  The species adaptations are needed to fit whenever something is not going right.  Biotic and abiotic factors are important because a turtle needs other biotic factors such as birds and trees and abiotic factors such as sun and water to survive.  With both of these things working together, the turtle could live.

Our Conservation Biology Project can be viewed here.

     I do have some questions after this unit has ended.  As our unit ended, I wondered about how I could make our home a better place.  After seeing Bag It, I really wonder about how long we can still last keeping up how much we use plastic and fossil fuels to literally destroy our planet.  Also, I want to know how I could help.  This task seems way to large of a problem to understand what little role I could do to help contribute to solving this problem.

     I think that our Conservation Biologist Project went really well.  My group had a really easy time dividing the tasks equally and meeting deadlines.  Our group did not have any communication errors or conflicts that stopped our progress on working on our project.  I think that the way we divided work went well because we finished everything in a timely manner and everybody knew what to do.  However, I thought that we did not have time to record the project together, so Mitra had to finish it at home.  I learned a lot about how a group project works and I can take my knowledge to apply it to the next project so it runs smoother.  For my survey, I was a little more passive than aggressive but my assertive score was not very low.  A few things that I can do to become more assertive is to stand straight like a hawk not a turtle.  I need to stand up straight and also look people in the eye.  If I think that staring into each others eyes are weird, I can look at their nose of forehead.

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